Concerned about MPOX?

MPV (monkeypox) is a contagious viral disease currently being seen at high rates in communities of gay, bi, and trans men; other trans and non-binary folks may also be vulnerable. Local healthcare providers and government leaders are collaborating to ensure that Provincetown and other communities on the Cape and Islands are informed about MPV so together we can protect each other and limit its spread.


September 2022: Vaccine Access by location! The CDC has created a Monkeypox Vaccine Locator by zip code for designated MPV vaccination sites. To find your nearest location, visit

August 11, 2022: VACCINE ACCCESS IN PROVINCETOWN! Outer Cape Health Services in Provincetown has been designated an MPV vaccination site. For more details on current availability, click here.

August 4, 2022: Biden Administration designates MPV “a public health emergency.” More details here.

July 6, 2022: Massachusetts Department of Pubic Health announces MPV vaccination program. Click here to read the full announcement. 

June 28, 2022: The White House releases details on the National Monkeypox Outbreak Response. Click here to read the statement. 


  • Learn the BASICS here or in the slideshow below (Note: Slideshow may not be visible on some mobile phones).
  • How YOU CAN HELP PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY, along with additional INFORMATION and RESOURCE LINKS, follow below.



1.  First, don’t panic.

2.  Get informed and know the basics:

  • MPOX (the monkeypox virus) is not an STI. It can be spread in fluid or pus from monkeypox sores and sometimes through prolonged exposure to respiratory droplets.
  • Transmission can occur during close physical contact – including sexual intimacy – or by exposure to bedding or towels used by a person with MPV.
  • MPOX can make you sick, often with an earlier flu-like illness followed by the development of a rash or sores (pox).
  • If you or any recent partners (from the past 21 days) have unusual sores or a rash or you suspect exposure, please stay home, avoid sex, and contact a healthcare provider.
  • If you are infected, avoid intimate contact with anyone until all your sores have healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed. 

3. Get vaccinated. Visit Outer Cape Health Services for information on vaccine access in Provincetown.

4.  Talk to your friends, colleagues, and sex partners about MPOX.

5.  Support each other. Avoid stigmatizing language and behavior. Remember, we’re in this together!




Provincetown Health Department


Experiencing symptoms? Stay home & call your medical provider.

Outer Cape Health Services 



Find out more about the county response. 

Barnstable County Health Department


Learn what’s happening across the state.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health


Keep current on the outbreak nationally.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention